238/207 on the same Dynojet I do all of my Dynojetting on.
Yes I somehow made less torque than the red car.
This is due the fact that the stock ECU is not a fan of the cams in the 07+ Altima v6 motor.
If you plan on swapping this motor into an older ECU VQ35, have either a way to tune the cam timing or throw some rod bolts in and rev it higher (at least 7200).
I am not sure if this is because of the Maxima intake manifold or not, but until I see more dynos of this setup I will say it is because of the more aggressive cams (which you will see soon when I post the dyno sheet).
There is one saving grace, this car would probably dyno around 250whp (which was my goal) if the operator revved it to 6600 which I've pegged many times on logs, the dyno operator only ran a hair above 6k (not sure why he stopped early).

Anyways, I will return to the rollers this winter after my headers, catback and other mechanical tuning mods are done (trying to lean out the motor via mechanical mods aka breathing mods, getting more air in and out).